August 2013

MS Access Option Group QA

This video is in response per a question about the ms access option group I received: “Hello, I have a question: can we store a decimal value in the option value?? Like if I want to put the value of yes = 0.25 and No= 1.25 is it applicable?? please help” Take a look at […]

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Access Report Parameters

Dear Sir can you give me any sample database file or access vba code where report can filter by chose Interim date and select single customer data range. like “Jon” buy how mane thing from 1/1/13 to 30/1/13 where jon is my customer I just wane vba code for the command button oh i will […]

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VBA Move File

So you need to end off a procedure by moving a file? This video shows you how to use the FileSystemObject and vba to move a file out of one directory into another? Well, this video shows you how to do it… Option Compare Database ‘======================================================== ‘DATABASE DESIGNED & CODED BY LOEBLCOM SERVICES 2013 ‘ERIK […]

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Access VBA Create Table

This example is a response from an email I received regarding: “How to build a table by extracting some fields from a main database…” I interpret it as: “Query a main database (mainframe) and create a local table.” I do have another easier version of this process at “How To Create A Table In Access […]

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MS Access Login Form Revised

MS Access Login Form Revised. Revised because I added some stars to the password entry box, and a new registration form. Make sure you set the InputMask property of the password textbox to “Password”! Option Compare Database ‘======================================================== ‘BY LOEBLCOM SERVICES 2013 ‘ERIK LOEBL(713)409-7041 ‘EMAIL: ‘WEB: ‘======================================================== ‘================= ‘basUtilities code: ‘================= Public Function […]

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Being More Specific In Access Import

In this video will help you be more specific in your access import. You will find out how to insert a name of the table you want to import. Option Compare Database ‘======================================================== ‘DATABASE DESIGNED & CODED BY LOEBLCOM SERVICES 2013 ‘ERIK LOEBL(713)409-7041 ‘EMAIL: ‘WEB: ‘======================================================== Dim m_strFileName As String Private Sub btnDBTable_Click() […]

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Shell VBA function

Did you know that you can use the Shell VBA function to launch external applications? Option Compare Database ‘======================================================== ‘DATABASE DESIGNED & CODED BY LOEBLCOM SERVICES 2013 ‘ERIK LOEBL(713)409-7041 ‘EMAIL: ‘WEB: ‘======================================================== Private Sub btnLaunchExcel_Click() Dim strPath As String Dim strFile As String strPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14" strFile = "EXCEL.EXE" Shell strPath […]

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Access Import Of Spreadsheet Or Table

I received an email question about the difference in importing an Access object versus an Excel spreadsheet. In this video you are going to find out how to import your spreadsheet or table using the access import feature and vba. Option Compare Database ‘======================================================== ‘DATABASE DESIGNED & CODED BY LOEBLCOM SERVICES 2013 ‘ERIK LOEBL(713)409-7041 ‘EMAIL: […]

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How Do I Import An Excel Spreadsheet

How Do I Import An Excel Spreadsheet In this video you will find the answer to the question “How do I import an excel spreadsheet into my Access database?” Option Compare Database ‘======================================================== ‘DATABASE DESIGNED & CODED BY LOEBLCOM SERVICES 2013 ‘ERIK LOEBL(713)409-7041 ‘EMAIL: ‘WEB: ‘======================================================== Dim m_strFileName As String Private Sub btnImport_Click() […]

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