October 2019

An Easy VBA Counter

This post is actually based on a question I received on my YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Aj8dPH8KY&lc=z234unjqmpymudvjp04t1aokgbwgqi4nrfxkozk3u00rrk0h00410 The counter can be implemented a bit easier by using VBA. Here’s how: Sub AddCounter() Dim intCounter As Integer Dim strSQL As String Dim strSQLUpdate As String Dim rst As Recordset ‘counter is done based on the sort order ‘strSQL […]

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Why Does My Query Change Like To Alike?

“…everytime i save my query, the like function always turn to Alike…” ALike “*” & [Forms]![FORMsearch]![FIRSTNAME] & “*” should be: Like “*” & [Forms]![FORMsearch]![FIRSTNAME] & “*” “Like” kept changing to “Alike”! This was an interesting question I received. Well come to find out that this has to do with an Access setting related to “SQL […]

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