September 2013

How to create SQL Statement from Combobox Selections

This video will show you how to use checkboxes to create a SQL statement and formulate a recordsource for a form. In the sample database, a certain product can be combined with other products to create a package. We want to select the products belonging to each package. In this video you will be shown […]

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How To Convert Macros To VBA

This video describes how to use an embedded macro to open a form, and then use the superior, VBA, code to do the same. video: There is more functionality when using VBA to do your actions. Personally, I don’t use macros, unless I need to. If you want to try and convert your macros to […]

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Converting a macro into VBA code

I received this email the other day… “Only you can clarify this for me. I’m a little confused and frustrated following the attached video and Database and not be able to do the macro conversion into Access 2007 and 2013 also. Is there any solution doing it by VBA program ?” Hopefully my response can […]

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MS Access Running Counter In Query

This video is part of a solution to an interesting question that I know most developers have faced or are facing… “How can I number my rows in an Access query?” tblRunningSum: Lists numbers starting with 8, and shows how qryIncrement can start at 1 and increment this count from 1 to 10. tblNumbers: Gives […]

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