
MS Access Running Count With String Column And Duplicates

In my previous post, https://vbahowto.com/ms-access-running-count-with-duplicates/, the DCount counter, works fine when you have a numeric value, and it works fine when you do the VBA counter when you do it on numeric column values, but what about counters on string columns with duplicates? MS Access Running Count With String Column And Duplicates Since an Access […]

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MS Access Running Count With Duplicates

This post is a response to a video I have on Youtube: MS Access Running Counter In Query “After running your solution in different databases, I found out that it only works if there are no duplicate values within the Number field (in your tblRunningSum). Once there are duplicate values, the row numbering gets corrupted. […]

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Client Side Storage Access And WebSQL Database Part3

In this post I am showing how you can make your webform more user friendly. Sub GenerateContainmentInspectionsHTML() Dim intRandomDB As Integer Dim intSeed As Integer Dim strDB As String ‘this is seed value for the RND function’s random number generator. Randomize ‘Int ((upperbound – lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound) intRandomDB = Int((2500 – […]

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Client Side Storage Access And WebSQL Database Part2

In this revised procedure I will create the SQLlite (WebSQL) database to hold the Access query contents and then display them on a web form in a table format. (don’t be concerned with the colors in the following code:) Sub GenerateContainmentInspectionsHTML() ‘HERE YOU ARE MAKING THE DATABASE FOR THE INSPECTIONS Dim intRandomDB As Integer Dim […]

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How To Create A Local Web Page With Access DB Data PT1

This is going to be a multiple part blog post, but here I am clicking a command button on a form and then taking the data from a query called “qrySecondaryContainmenttodrain”, and creating a html page called “containment_inspections.htm”. (You will have to modify the query and the html page so it will fit your need) […]

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Access VBA Create Table

This example is a response from an email I received regarding: “How to build a table by extracting some fields from a main database…” I interpret it as: “Query a main database (mainframe) and create a local table.” I do have another easier version of this process at “How To Create A Table In Access […]

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VBA Calculate – Multiply

In this video you will find out how to load a table into a recordset object, loop through the records, and vba calculate 2 fields. Also you’ll find out how to make a user defined function and call it from a query. Need to know how to insert into a table? See this video – […]

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Recordset In VBA – PT2

There are times when you will need to access your data programatically and you will have to create the recordset in VBA rather than from the built in data connection Access provides. ADO is a superset of DAO in functionality point of view. The primary benefit of using the ADO recordset object is: -Ease of […]

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Recordset In VBA – PT1

In these next 2 videos, we are going to discuss generating the recordset in VBA techiques: -We will access data in tables by using the ADO recordset object. -We will retrieve data from a table using SQL and ADO recordsets. -We will alter the data in the table using SQL and ADO recordsets. In this […]

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VBA Do Loop

Looping structures like the VBA Do Loop allow you to specify the conditions under which you would like your program to run a set of code statements repeatedly. There are 4 different variations of the VBA Do Loop we are going to look at: ‘Do While…Loop structures check the condition before running the code. ‘The […]

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