June 2018
How To Make A VBA Message Box OK Cancel
Ever wonder how you can create a vba message box to gather “ok” and “cancel” answers? This is useful when you want a user to provide confirmation for a delete procedure or other long running process. When you want to gather feedback from the user do something like this: Sub VBAMessageBoxOkCancel() Dim intAnswer As Integer […]
How To Make A VBA Message Box Yes No
Continuing on with our VBA message box theme, here is how to create a “VBA message box yes no” The message box can be used like a function to return a value. Here I am going to return a value to determine if the user clicked “yes” or “no”. For this I am going […]
How To Make A VBA Message Box
This is a fairly basic tool to use to see if something works or to alert the person using your application. Here is a VBA message box example: Msgbox [Message],[Type of Box],[Application Title] Here is the basic usage: msgbox “Your operation was successful!” Then you can fancy it up a bit: msgbox “Your […]
Client Side Storage Access And WebSQL Database Part3
In this post I am showing how you can make your webform more user friendly. Sub GenerateContainmentInspectionsHTML() Dim intRandomDB As Integer Dim intSeed As Integer Dim strDB As String ‘this is seed value for the RND function’s random number generator. Randomize ‘Int ((upperbound – lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound) intRandomDB = Int((2500 – […]
Client Side Storage Access And WebSQL Database Part2
In this revised procedure I will create the SQLlite (WebSQL) database to hold the Access query contents and then display them on a web form in a table format. (don’t be concerned with the colors in the following code:) Sub GenerateContainmentInspectionsHTML() ‘HERE YOU ARE MAKING THE DATABASE FOR THE INSPECTIONS Dim intRandomDB As Integer Dim […]
How To Create A Local Web Page With Access DB Data PT1
This is going to be a multiple part blog post, but here I am clicking a command button on a form and then taking the data from a query called “qrySecondaryContainmenttodrain”, and creating a html page called “containment_inspections.htm”. (You will have to modify the query and the html page so it will fit your need) […]