How To Make A VBA Message Box Yes No


Continuing on with our VBA message box theme, here is how
to create a “VBA message box yes no”

The message box can be used like a function to return a value.

Here I am going to return a value to determine if the user clicked
“yes” or “no”.

For this I am going to set up a VBA Procedure to test with:

Sub GetReponse()
    Dim intChoice As Integer
    intChoice = MsgBox("Would you like to proceed?", vbYesNo, "Get Response")

    Select Case intChoice
        Case vbYes
            DoCmd.OpenForm "Yes"
        Case vbNo
            DoCmd.OpenForm "No"
    End Select

End Sub


By the way, if you got or are getting value from the VBA information, please give me a tip, thanks!

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