Peoplesoft To SAP Migration Via Access

I received an interesting question yesterday from a potential customer.

They are migrating all their Oracle PeopleSoft data to SAP.

(They are exporting from PeopleSoft into Excel, importing it into Access to tweak it, and exporting to csv from Access to upload to SAP)

Basically, how to take 1 (PeopleSoft) row and make it into multiple rows (SAP)?

For example:

PeopleSoft format: A B -200 0 500

to SAP format:

A B -200 0 0
A B 0 0 0
A B 0 0 500

So I decided to make a blog post on it so others may benefit:

Here is what the source would look like:

And here is what the result would look like:

…and then we’ll save the table to a csv file to upload to SAP.

Here is the code to get the data into the tblSAP:

Sub SAPFormat()
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim strInsSQL As String
    Dim intCounter As Integer
    Dim dblNegative As Double
    Dim dblZero As Double
    Dim dblPositive As Double
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Col1, Number1,Number2,Number3 FROM tblPeopleSoft")
    CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblSAP"
    Do Until rst.EOF
        For intCounter = 1 To 3
            'reset the variables
            dblNegative = 0
            dblZero = 0
            dblPositive = 0
            'evaluate the numbers
            Select Case intCounter
                Case 1 'evaluate number 1
                    If rst("Number1") < 0 Then
                        dblNegative = rst("Number1")
                        dblZero = 0
                        dblPositive = 0
                    End If
                    If rst("Number1") = 0 Then
                        dblNegative = 0
                        dblZero = rst("Number1")
                        dblPositive = 0
                    End If
                    If rst("Number1") > 0 Then
                        dblNegative = 0
                        dblZero = 0
                        dblPositive = rst("Number1")
                    End If
                    'stay in the loop but insert the record
                    GoTo InsertThis
                Case 2 'evaluate number 2
                    If rst("Number2") < 0 Then
                        dblNegative = rst("Number2")
                        dblZero = 0
                        dblPositive = 0
                    End If
                    If rst("Number2") = 0 Then
                        dblNegative = 0
                        dblZero = rst("Number2")
                        dblPositive = 0
                    End If
                    If rst("Number2") > 0 Then
                        dblNegative = 0
                        dblZero = 0
                        dblPositive = rst("Number2")
                    End If
                    'stay in the loop but insert the record
                    GoTo InsertThis
                Case 3 'evaluate number 3

                    If rst("Number3") < 0 Then
                        dblNegative = rst("Number3")
                        dblZero = 0
                        dblPositive = 0
                    End If
                    If rst("Number3") = 0 Then
                        dblNegative = 0
                        dblZero = rst("Number3")
                        dblPositive = 0
                    End If
                    If rst("Number3") > 0 Then
                        dblNegative = 0
                        dblZero = 0
                        dblPositive = rst("Number3")
                    End If
                    'stay in the loop but insert the record
                    GoTo InsertThis
                End Select
'label to insert the record
            strInsSQL = "INSERT INTO tblSAP ( Col1, Negative, Zero, Positive ) "
            strInsSQL = strInsSQL & " VALUES ("
            strInsSQL = strInsSQL & "'" & rst("Col1") & "',"
            strInsSQL = strInsSQL & dblNegative & ","
            strInsSQL = strInsSQL & dblZero & ","
            strInsSQL = strInsSQL & dblPositive & ")"
            CurrentDb.Execute strInsSQL
        Next intCounter
    'clean up
    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Please let me know if you find some fault in my logic.

By the way, if you got or are getting value from the VBA information, please give me a tip, thanks!

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