What Is The Access VBA NZ Function
The Access VBA NZ function allows you to test for values with zero length. It is unique with Access, as far as I know, no other language has this type of function, and you’ll have to make your own. If you want to check if a variable is blank, you should check the length (contents) […]
Why Does My Query Change Like To Alike?
“…everytime i save my query, the like function always turn to Alike…” ALike “*” & [Forms]![FORMsearch]![FIRSTNAME] & “*” should be: Like “*” & [Forms]![FORMsearch]![FIRSTNAME] & “*” “Like” kept changing to “Alike”! This was an interesting question I received. Well come to find out that this has to do with an Access setting related to “SQL […]
How To Attach Files In An Access Database
If you noticed Access now has a datatype to add attachments. If you don’t want to program this with VBA as I show you how to do below, you can use it (if you dare :)). I think Microsoft wanted to make things easier for the user, so they added the ability to add attachments […]
How To Convert Your Pivot Table To An Access Crosstab Query
This post is regarding how to convert your Excel pivot table to an Access format. You can also refer to this post for more information: Basically an Excel pivot table is an Access crosstab query, so this post goes into more detail of how to make your Access crosstab query look like what your […]
Converting A Excel Spreadsheet To Access Database
While I was scouring the Upwork gigs, one caught my eye, they left an Excel spreadsheet example and so I decide it was good enough to try and recreate it in Access database format. I just couldn’t pass up the challenge on this one. So I figured I wanted to share the journey with you […]
How To Create A MS Access Dynamic Report Based On A Dynamic Table
So in my other post, I demonstrated how to create a table dynamically with VBA. Here’s the post How To Create A Table In Access Using SQL And VBA Now what if we need a report based on a table that is always changing, but is consistent in its format? Well we can send the […]
How To Run Access VBA On A Timer Schedule
At one of the contracts I am on currently, I run several backup procedures through out the day on some of the main tables if something should happen while I’m not on site. I set up a simple process. I am letting the Windows Task Scheduler, which runs as a service while the computer is […]
How To Make A MS Access Filter Form With Combobox Using VBA
Hi, I was working on a filter similar to this query, and I noticed someone may have some questions on how to do it. So this post is going to show you how to filter some date records with a combobox, actually 2 comboboxes. Here’s the jist of the question: ” I have a Microsoft […]
MS Access Running Count With Duplicates
This post is a response to a video I have on Youtube: MS Access Running Counter In Query “After running your solution in different databases, I found out that it only works if there are no duplicate values within the Number field (in your tblRunningSum). Once there are duplicate values, the row numbering gets corrupted. […]
How To Do A VLookup In Access
This post is in response to this question: This really doesn’t need any VBA code. It just needs to be setup correctly, and it functions like the VLookup function in Excel. In the image, we want to change the “Unit Price” (“PUnitPrice”) value after changing the the “Product Name” (“OProductID”) in the form. The real […]