Recordset In VBA – PT1

In these next 2 videos, we are going to discuss generating the recordset in VBA techiques:
-We will access data in tables by using the ADO recordset object.
-We will retrieve data from a table using SQL and ADO recordsets.
-We will alter the data in the table using SQL and ADO recordsets.

In this video we are talking about the DAO recordset In VBA and how to formulate one easily.

In my opinion, if you are are programming a desktop database, and are staying in the boundaries of the Jet database engine, use DAO. If you are programming a web based application use ADO.

Private Sub DAORecordset()
    'Declare a variable referencing the object
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    'You already have a current database connection.  You have to use the "Set" command & _
        to actually create and use the object

    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Customers")
    Do Until rst.EOF
        Debug.Print rst.Fields("CompanyName")
    'Garbage collection (remove variables from memory)
    Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

<< VBA For Loop | Recordset In VBA – PT2 >>

By the way, if you got or are getting value from the VBA information, please give me a tip, thanks!

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