Hi, there are times when you need to exit a loop after a certain condition has been met.
How do you exit function in VBA?
In the following example, you are going to see how to exit a function in VBA:
Sub StartNumbers() Dim intNumber As Integer intNumber = ExitTest 'the number is going to be 3 MsgBox "The number is " & intNumber End Sub Function ExitTest() As Integer Dim intCounter As Integer For intCounter = 1 To 5 If intCounter = 3 Then ExitTest = intCounter Exit Function End If Next End Function
How do you stop loop in VBA?
In the following example you’ll discover how easy it is to exit the vba loop.
For the “For” loop just tell the code, to “Exit For”.
and for the “Do” Loop just tell the code to “Exit Do”.
Sub ExitForLoop() Dim intCount As Integer For intCount = 1 To 100 Debug.Print intCount If intCount = 50 Then MsgBox "50 has been reached. Now exiting...", , "Exit For" Exit For End If Next End Sub Sub ExitDoLoop() Dim intCount As Integer Do Until intCount = 100 Debug.Print intCount If intCount = 50 Then MsgBox "50 has been reached. Now exiting...", , "Exit Do" Exit Do End If intCount = intCount + 1 Loop End Sub
In some instances “Exit For” or “Exit Do” doesn’t work. In these cases try using the keyword “End” (check out this sample) or add a “Go To (something)” label, then exit the sub there.
Want to see a “Do WHILE LOOP” in Access VBA? Ciick me.
You are also going to find out:
What does a loop do in VBA?
Hopefully that helps someone. Let me know if you have any questions.
Click here for related posts on looping and exiting in VBA.

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